Science Promotion Project
Our aim is to provide a well-equipped science centre for children, Parents & Schools and develop their interest in science by giving them the opportunity to use latest scientific tools & methods.
Aabhyasika: It is an initiative for honing scholastic aptitude of underprivileged students through primary and middle school years with the help of complimentary learning techniques.
TMV Exam Centre
In order to upgrade quality of individual competitive ness and learning ability have overall independent evaluation experienced teachers of BNP…..
Adolescent Project
Activity for Adolescent Girls and Boys. To generate self-awareness, build confidence by way of training and counseling different groups of adolescent girls…
Counselling for career guidance, family problems, financial solutions, service selection and others is done by our experienced team and provide great relief…
Speech Correction Centre
Our Speech Correction Centre caters services to Hearing Challenged and to those with speech difficulty. It is run by experts and experienced teachers…
Computer training And Scratch Programming
By remarkable foresight shown way back in 1991, we have started computer training courses to train women in I.T. field….
Karate Training Centre
For self-defence and to build physical capability, Karate coaching was started…
____Story of Manali____
Manali is deaf & dumb girl who regularly attend our speech correction centre for 7 years. Her parents both are deaf & dump. She was very shy when she started to come to the centre. Now she is a confident girl. We helped her in studies also sothat she can understand better. She passed her 10th std. with good marks.

____Story of Kaushal____
Kaushal is a happy & innocent boy. He is regular for Aabhyasika for last 3 years. He is showing lot of interest in study. He is also very creative. BNP is motivating him so that he can able to achieve success in his life. His skill in Scratch (computer programming) is also remarkable. He also got prize in experiment competition. So, Kaushal is our shining star.
____Story of Aakash Pawar ____
Aakash Pawar is in 7th std. now. He lives with his mother only. We found him near temple at dighi while his mother was bagging. He was going to corporation school. We told them about our Aabhasika. He was in 1st std. at that time. He & his mother depended on Prasad or begging things which they get at temple. Aakash was doing study while his mother was begging. We found that he had interest in study but need support.
Our teachers treat him with care & love. Besides our nutrition teachers also gave him tiffin box which prepared by them at home. We had to teach him about his cleanliness. He used to come very dirty. But we regularly talk with him about it. Now he is clean & tidy. He is good in drawing.

There was one Mentally challenged boy who was learning in normal school but when school refer us his case then we find that he is Mentally challenged and he need special attention. So, we take follow up of his case and got admission in special school. We got to know he had special skill in cricket. Then we motivate him & his family to focus on that only. Now, after some days his parents called us and told that he got trophy in cricket. Like him we have many more cases which we handled skill fully & achieved success.

____Story of Kunal Prabhu (Scratch student) ____
Kunal is very enthusiastic student. He is expert in computer. He designed scratch third level. He also participated in chess competition at state level & got gold medal.